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Archaic The Time Has Come To Envy The Dead
This debut album from the guys from Budapest was already recorded in 2006 but you can´t hear that at all because thrash metal is simply timeless. What you notice most on this record are the diverse vocal styles ranging from growls over almost black metal like guttural grunts to haunting whispers, here Archaic can almost compete with ... more/mehr


Arise The Beautiful New World
Now that would be something. A remake of the series „The Fugitive“, solely dealing with a guy escaping from his pursuers. A cinema-version of this starring Bruce Willis. Then a fine soundtrack with hardrock music, it can’t get more hip. Arise are mandatory on this soundtrack. Almost solely screamings, loud, and foremost: speed, speed, ... more/mehr


Aristillus Devoured Trees & Crystal Skies
ARISTILLUS are angry! Even though the band has to be filed under emo pop the Norwegian guys, lately, seem to have discovered their hardcore roots, too. Those who did not know the band before will probably enjoy “Devoured Trees & Crystal Skies”. It has got sweet melodies and choruses, which are suitable for a stadium, however, the ... more/mehr


Ark, The Prayer for the Weekend
[{Gospel × (Musical + 60s Charts - Rock + Disco)} / (Latin + Boogie)] + (1 / Glam) = The Ark
Who tries to break this complex equation can imagine what is left after listening to the new The Ark – album „Prayer for the Weekend“ from A to Z. The songs leave you a little perplexed, religious-mysterious! The lyrics deal with love ... more/mehr


Arkham Kirjasto Torches Ablaze
The debut of the Finnish act Arkham Kirjasto presents me with a little problem, I have no idea into which category I should put the music of this duo consistin of Jussi Lehtisalo and Samae Koskinen. There´re classic Heavy Metal melodies, there´s Gothic Metal, there´s Death´n Roll and there are several other styles to be heard. The ... more/mehr



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